Tours and Activities in República Dominicana for Adventure Tourism -

Tours and Activities in República Dominicana for Adventure Tourism

8 Days in the East of the Dominican Republic (Private)

8 Days in the East of the Dominican Republic (Private)

Qty offer

Activities: Boat rides, Horseback rides, Hike, trekking, Rapel, Historical visits

8 Days in the East of the Dominican Republic

8 Days in the East of the Dominican Republic

Activities: Guided visits

8 Days Adventures in Samaná from Santo Domingo (Private)

8 Days Adventures in Samaná from Santo Domingo (Private)

Qty offer

Activities: Zipline, Museums, monuments, Natural areas visits, Hike, trekking, Bicycle, Buggies, off road

8 Days in the Southwest of the Dominican Republic

8 Days in the Southwest of the Dominican Republic

Activities: Guided visits

8 Days Adventures in Samaná from Santo Domingo

8 Days Adventures in Samaná from Santo Domingo

Activities: Guided visits

4 Summits - Pico Duarte, Yaque, Cima la Pelona and Rusilla

4 Summits - Pico Duarte, Yaque, Cima la Pelona and Rusilla

Activities: Natural areas visits, Hike, trekking, Guided visits

6 Days of Cycling and Sun in the Caribbean (Private)

6 Days of Cycling and Sun in the Caribbean (Private)

Qty offer

Activities: Guided visits

4 Days of Adventure in the Dominican Republic

4 Days of Adventure in the Dominican Republic

Activities: Guided visits

2 Days 1 Night Trekking & Camping in Dominican Republic

2 Days 1 Night Trekking & Camping in Dominican Republic

Activities: Hike, trekking, Guided visits

Dolphin Explorer - Excellence Program

Dolphin Explorer - Excellence Program

Activities: Water activities, Flora, wildlife observation, Natural areas visits, Shows

Full Day Scape Park + Sunshine Cruise

Full Day Scape Park + Sunshine Cruise

Activities: Guided visits

Triple Adventure in Damajagua Waterfalls

Triple Adventure in Damajagua Waterfalls

Activities: Zipline, Natural areas visits, Guided visits

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