Tours and Activities in Peru with Guided visits - to -

Tours and Activities in Peru with Guided visits - to

4 Days 3 Nights Pacaya Samiria National Reserve

4 Days 3 Nights Pacaya Samiria National Reserve

Activities: Bird watching, Flora, wildlife observation, Guided visits

Adventure Tour Climbing Misti or Chachani Volcano in Arequipa

Adventure Tour Climbing Misti or Chachani Volcano in Arequipa

Activities: Natural areas visits, Guided visits

Full Day: Machu Picchu Panoramic Train Tour from Cusco

Full Day: Machu Picchu Panoramic Train Tour from Cusco

Activities: Archaeological visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits, Historical visits

2 Days Route to Machu Picchu With Stop in Abra Malaga

2 Days Route to Machu Picchu With Stop in Abra Malaga

Activities: Flora, wildlife observation, Hike, trekking, Archaeological visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Mountain of Colors, Sacred Valley, Machupicchu (Only Tours)

Mountain of Colors, Sacred Valley, Machupicchu (Only Tours)

Activities: Gastronomy, Hike, trekking, Routes in other vehicles, Archaeological visits, Guided visits

Salkantay Trek Tour 5 Days 4 Nights

Salkantay Trek Tour 5 Days 4 Nights

Activities: Flora, wildlife observation, Climbing, mountaineering, Hike, trekking, Archaeological visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits

3 Days Sacred Valley, Palcoyo Mountain and more (Only Tours)

3 Days Sacred Valley, Palcoyo Mountain and more (Only Tours)

Activities: Hike, trekking, Cultural visits, Guided visits, Historical visits

Huaraz Mountains and Lakes - 3d / 2n

Huaraz Mountains and Lakes - 3d / 2n

Activities: Hike, trekking, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Ballestas Islands and Huacachina With Activities from Lima

Ballestas Islands and Huacachina With Activities from Lima

Activities: Boat rides, Wine tasting, Natural areas visits, Buggies, off road, Sandboarding, Guided visits

Private Tour to the Fertility Temple in Chucuito

Private Tour to the Fertility Temple in Chucuito

Activities: Archaeological visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits, Historical visits

Tour to the Floating Islands of the Uros and Taquile (Full Day)

Tour to the Floating Islands of the Uros and Taquile (Full Day)

More popular

Activities: Boat rides, Flora, wildlife observation, Cultural visits, Guided visits

Cusco + Machu Picchu - 3d / 2n (Inca Rail Train)

Cusco + Machu Picchu - 3d / 2n (Inca Rail Train)

Activities: Flora, wildlife observation, Archaeological visits, Cultural visits, Guided visits, Historical visits

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